[FMC] Fashion Marketing & Consumer Research Lab




Dr. Baek’s research focuses on understanding consumers in retail settings based on consumer behavior discipline. Her research has examined the effect of diverse retail factors on shoppers in on/offline environments. Her recent projects are aimed at investigating the interplay between consumers and technology-driven retail factors and provide insights into managing and enhancing the consumer experience in the digital retail era.



  • National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단). “비서구권 소비자의 관점에서 조명한 포용적 마케팅에 대한 소비자 반응 이해 (Exploring consumer responses to inclusive marketing through the lens of non-western consumers)” KRW 20,000K, Oct. 2024 – Sep. 2025, PI. (Collaborator: Ga-Eun(Grace) Oh @Lingnan University, HK)
  • Hanyang University (한양대학교). “Funding for Humanity, Social Science, and Art (Int.).” KRW 5,000K, April 2024 – March 2025, PI.
  • Hanyang University (한양대학교). “Funding for Humanity, Social Science, and Art.” KRW 4,000K, Dec. 2023 – Nov. 2024, PI.
  • Hanyang University (한양대학교). “Funding for Humanity, Social Science, and Art (Int.).” KRW 15,000K, April 2023 – March 2024, PI.
  • Hanyang University (한양대학교). “Funding for Humanity, Social Science, and Art.” KRW 3,000K, Dec. 2022 – Nov. 2023, PI.
  • National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단). “Objective Interactivity of Virtual Product Experience in Digital Retailing (디지털 리테일 환경 내 가상 제품경험의 객체 상호작용성 연구).” KRW 75,000K, 2022-2025, PI.
  • Hanyang University (한양대학교). “Gain and losses of immersive consumer experiences: Effectiveness of VR as a communication tool (몰입형 소비자 경험의 득과 실: 커뮤니케이션 도구로서의 가상 현실 효과성 연구).” KRW 20,000K, 2022-2023, PI. 
  • Undergraduate Research Innovation Scholarship (URIS). “Tactics of online product displays.” HK$ 50,000, 2021. Supervisor (equivalent to PI)
  • National Research Foundation (NRF) Korea. “K-Lifestyle Co-Creation of Young Vietnamese Consumers.” KRW 240,000K, 2020-2023, Co-I. 
  • TRSM Advancement Grant, “The Enigma of Tech Engagement on Luxury Retailing.” CAD15,000, 2020-2021, Co-I. 
  • Research Grant Council (RGC), Early Career Scheme (ECS), “Feeling Secure Inside These Walls: The Effect of Ceiling Height on Retail Consumers.” HK$ 642,460, 2020~2022, PI. 
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), “Examining Environmental Elements on Variety Seeking Behavior in Retail Settings.” CAD7,000, 2019-2020, Co-I.
  • University Grants Committee (UGC), Start-up Fund for New Recruits, “Virtual Reality as a Communication Tool.” HK$ 495,311, 2018-2021, PI.