Congratulation! A 3-year grant has been awarded by National Research Foundation Korea (NRF-K)

Congratulation! A 3-year grant has been awarded by National Research Foundation Korea (NRF-K)

We’re very pleased to announce excellent collaborative achievement.

Our funding application entitled “K-lifestyle co-creation of young Vietnamese consumers: Focused on millennials and Z generation” has been successfully awarded a funding amount of KRW 240,000,000 (≈HKD 1,550,000) for three years. It is funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단), which is one of the most privileged research funding sources in South Korea.

The project is led by Professor Ho Jung Choo (PI) and her research team at Seoul National University, collaborating with ITC (Dr. Eunsoo Baek), SHTM (Dr. Sangwon Park) at PolyU as well as HTI at DTU. This will initiate an interdisciplinary approach to integrating shopping/fashion marketing with tourism. We hope this to be a pioneering opportunity to establish a triangle relationship with top universities across three different areas in Asia.


A launching meeting was held on 24th June 2020 virtually 🙂 (from the top left: Juyeon Jang, Eunsoo Baek, Sangwon Park, Ho Jung Choo, and Ha Kyung Lee, all doctors!)

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